- Accessibility
- embed interactive pdf
- Positive patient feedback form
- Contact and find us
- GPs and referrers
Our services
- Common Services
- Adolescent and young adult healthcare - 11to25
- End of life care
- Allergy
- Audiology
- Blood tests
Cancer services
- Clinics
- Macmillan Cancer Partnership
- Patient information
- Meet the team
- Two week wait cancer referrals
- Acute oncology service
- Blood cancer
- Bowel cancer
- Breast services
- Cancer rapid diagnostic clinic
- Chemotherapy
- Germ cell and testicular cancers
- Gestational trophoblastic disease
- Gynaecological cancer
- Head and neck cancer
- Liver cancer
- Lung cancer
- Lymphoedema
- Neuroendocrine tumours
- Neuro oncology
- Oesophago gastric cancer
- Pancreatic biliary cancer
- Psycho oncology
- Radiotherapy
- Skin cancer
- Thyroid cancer
- Urological and urothelial cancers
- Meet the team
- Patient information
- Referrals
- What to expect before
- Academic cardiology
- Cardiac imaging
- Cardiovascular health and rehabilitation
- Electrophysiology and devices
- Heart assessment centre
- Heart failure
- High risk atherosclerosis and cardio immune clinic
- Hypertension and cardiovascular disease prevention
- Inherited cardiac conditions
- Lipids and cardiovascular risk
- Percutaneous coronary intervention
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Structural heart intervention
- Syncope
Childrens services
- Patient information
- Refer to this service
- Child psychiatry
- Childrens accident and emergency
- Childrens allergy
- Childrens ambulatory
- Childrens audiology
- Childrens cancer services
- Childrens cardiology
- Childrens dermatology
- Childrens diabetes
- Childrens ear nose and throat
- Childrens endocrinology
- Childrens gastroenterology
- Childrens haematology blood and marrow transplantation
- Childrens ITP and platelet disorders
- Childrens hand surgery
- Childrens hepatitis family clinic
- Childrens HIV family services
- Childrens imaging
- Childrens infectious diseases
- Childrens intensive care
- Childrens kidney and hypertension
- Childrens neurology
- Childrens nutrition and dietetics
- Childrens occupational therapy
- Childrens ophthalmology
- Childrens orthopaedics
- Childrens physiotherapy
- Childrens respiratory
- Childrens rheumatology
- Childrens sleep service
- Childrens speech and language therapy
- Childrens surgery
- Childrens tuberculosis
- Neonatology
- Neurodisability and child development
- Paediatric and adolescent breast service
- Paediatric neurogenetic clinic
- Critical care
- Dermatology
- Ear nose and throat
- Elderly medicine
- Emergency care
- Endocrinology
- Fertility and reproductive medicine
- Gastroenterology
- Genomics and personalised medicine
- GP services
- Gynaecology
- Haematology
- Imaging
- Imperial Memory Unit
- Infectious diseases
- Liver services
- Maternity services
- Neurology
- Nutrition and dietetics
- Occupational therapy
- Ophthalmology
- Orthopaedics
- Orthotics and prosthetics
- Pain management
- Palliative care
- Pathology
- Pharmacy
- Physiotherapy
- Plastic and reconstructive surgery
- Psychiatry liaison service
- Respiratory medicine
- Rheumatology
- Speech and language therapy
- Stroke
- Surgery
- Trauma services
- Urology
- AandE
- Abortion
- Amenorrhoea
- Angiography
- Blood disorders
- Brain tumour
- Breast cancer
- Breathing
- Cancer psychology
- Cervical cancer
- Child and adolescent mental health service
- Childrens skin conditions
- Colon cancer
- Contraception
- CT scanning
- Emergency medicine
- Eye care
- Facial plastic surgery
- Fainting
- Fluoroscopy
- Geriatric medicine
- Hearing
- Heart conditions
- Hirsuitism
- HIV care
- Human T cell lymphotropic virus
- In vitro fertilisation
- Intravenous urograms
- Jaw cancers
- Kidney cancers
- Laryngeal cancer
- Laryngology
- Leukaemia
- Lymphoma
- Major Trauma Centre
- Mammograms
- Melanoma
- Menstrual irregularities
- Mouth cancer
- MRI scanning
- Myelodysplasia
- Myeloma
- National Centre for Human Retrovirology
- Neck cancer
- Neonatal unit
- Nose cancer
- Neurological rehabilitation
- Nuclear medicine
- Obstetrics
- Oncology
- Operations
- Otology
- Outpatients
- Ovarian cancer
- Paediatric cardiology
- Paediatric accident and emergency
- Paediatric allergy
- Paediatric audiology
- Paediatric cancer services
- Paediatric dermatology
- Paediatric endocrinology
- Paediatric ENT
- Paediatric gastroenterology
- Paediatric haemostasis and thrombosis
- Paediatric hand surgery
- Paediatric hepatitis
- Paediatric HIV
- Paediatric infectious diseases
- Paediatric imaging
- Paediatric kidney and hypertension
- Paediatric neurology
- Paediatric nutrition and dietetics
- Paediatric occupational therapy
- Paediatric ophthalmology
- Paediatric orthopaedics
- Paediatric pallative care
- Paediatric physiotherapy
- Paediatric rheumatology
- Paediatric skin conditions
- Paediatric sleep service
- Paediatric speech and language therapy
- Paediatric surgery
- Paediatric syncope
- Paediatric tuberculosis
- Paediatrics
- PET scanning
- Pituitary tumours
- Polycystic ovaries
- Pregnancy care
- Prostate cancer
- Radiology
- rectal cancer
- Rehabilitation
- Renal cancers
- Renal service
- Reproductive health
- Rhinology
- Salivary gland cancer
- Sexual health and HIV services
- Sexual health
- Sinus cancer
- Skin conditions
- Spinal tumours
- Testicular cancer
- Throat cancer
- Transplants
- Ultrasound
- Urgent cancer care
- Urinary issues
- Uterine cancer
- Vaginal cancer
- Vulval cancer
- Womb cancer
- Womens health
- Womens cancers
- X ray
- Disorders of reproductive development and adolescent gynaecology
- Our locations
Consultant directory
- Abdul Shlebak
- Abhijeet Parikh
- Abhilash Jain
- Abhinav Singh
- Abid Malik
- Abosede Ajayi
- Adam Gassas
- Adam McLean
- Adil Al Nahhas
- Aditi Sharma
- Adnan Custovic
- Adolfo Bronstein
- Adrian Lim
- Afshin Alavi
- Ahanasios Thanos Athanasiou
- Ahmad Aziz
- Ahmed Ahmed
- Ahmed Ibrahim
- Aida Lopez de Pedro
- Ajit Lalvani
- Alan Farthing
- Alan Winston
- Alasdair Mace
- Alessandro Viviano
- Alex Digesu
- Alex Everitt
- Alex King
- Alex Liddle
- Alexander Comninos
- Alexander Miras
- Alexandra Sasha Marks
- Ali Alsafi
- Ali Taghi
- Alidz Pambakian
- Alison Falconer
- Alison Graham
- Alison Holmes
- Alison Knaggs
- Alison Mears
- Alison Sanders
- Alka Bhide
- Alun Davies
- Amanda Varnava
- Amanda Walker
- Amarjit Sethi
- Ameet Dhar
- Amir H Sam
- Amrish Mehta
- Amynah Goawalla
- Anan Ghazy
- Anastasios Karadimitris
- Andrea Frilling
- Andrea Goddard
- Andrea Rockall
- Andreas Antonios Roussakis
- Andreas Ladas
- Andrew Chukwuemeka
- Andrew Cummin
- Andrew Forester
- Andrew Frankel
- Andrew Hartle
- Andrew Smith
- Andrew Wright
- Andrzej Con
- Anet Soubieres
- Angus Gordon
- Angus Kennedy
- Angus Lewis
- Aniko Deierl
- Anna Casburn Jones
- Anne Dornhorst
- Anne Hemingway
- Anne Louise Jennings
- Anthony Gordon
- Antoni Sergot
- Antonio Scalfari
- Antony Narula
- Anu Mitra
- Aphrodite Iacovidou
- Ara Darzi
- Archie Hughes Hallett
- Aristeidis Chaidos
- Aruchuna Ruban
- Arun Bhaskar
- Arvind Mohan
- Asad Luqmani
- Aseel Hamoud Bedan
- Asela Dharmadasa
- Ashley Brown
- Ashley Spencer
- Ashwin Kalbag
- Asif Rahman
- Asmaa Al kufaishi
- Aubrey Cunnington
- Avalon Probst
- Azadeh Ovaici
- Badr Chaban
- Baljeet Kaur
- Barbara Bain
- Barbara Cleaver
- Barbara Faissola
- Barry Paraskeva
- Barry Seemungal
- Basil Assoufi
- Beena Amin
- Belinda Smith
- Ben Ariff
- Ben Clark
- Benjamin Ellis
- Benjamin Graham
- Bijan Khoubehi
- Bob Klaber
- Brynmor Jones
- Bryony Jones
- Cameron Davies Husband
- Candice Roufosse
- Carel Le Roux
- Carl Reynolds
- Carla Plymen
- Carlos Gomez Hernandez
- Carolina Fernandez
- Carolina Kachramanoglou
- Caroline Foster
- Caroline Hewitt
- Caroline Scott Lang
- Carolyn Gabriel
- Carolyn Millar
- Catherine Rennie
- Catriona Stalder
- Cecilia Trigg
- Celia Theodoreli Riga
- Chadwan Al Yaghchi
- Chandrayee Sengupta
- Channa Jayasena
- Charles Bangham
- Charles Lowdell
- Charles Mackworth Young
- Charles Pusey
- Chinmay Gupte
- Chioma Izzi Engbeaya
- Chris Eades
- Christian Jakob
- Christian Ulbricht
- Christina George
- Christina Yu
- Christoph Lees
- Christopher Aylwin
- Christopher Baker
- Christopher Bentley
- Christopher Harvey
- Christopher Peters
- Christopher Schelvan
- Christopher Schlevan
- Christopher Wadsworth
- Christopher Whiten
- Christos Tsironis
- Claire Boynton
- Claire Feeney
- Claire Helene Ross
- Claire Shovlin
- Claire Solomon
- Clare Rees
- Clare Ross
- Claudia Gore
- Claudine De Munter
- Colin Bicknell
- Colin Mitchell
- Colin Tench
- Colleen Woo
- Conrad Lewanski
- Corrina Wright
- Damien Ashby
- Daniel Leff
- Daniel ODriscoll
- Danielle Power
- David Gable
- David Goldmeier
- David Harris
- David Hrouda
- David James
- David Lefroy
- David Lomax
- David O Callaghan
- David Peterson
- David Pinato
- David Rouse
- David Shipway
- David Taube
- Dawn Wilkinson
- Deborah Braham
- Deborah Cunningham
- Deborah Gould
- Declan O Regan
- Deepa Gopalan
- Deepa Jayakody Arachchillage
- Deirdre Lyons
- Dejan Markovic
- Desmond Johnston
- Dheeraj Kalladka
- Diana Hagger
- Dimitri Amiras
- Dinesh Nathwani
- Dipankar Nandi
- Divya Dhasmana
- Dominic Blunt
- Dominic Spicer
- Dominique Auger
- Doris Therese Doberenz
- Dragana Milojkovic
- Drinka Uzeirbegovic
- Duncan Spalding
- Dunisha Samarasinghe
- Dushyanth Gnanappira
- Dylan Griffiths
- Dylan Roi
- Eduardo Normando
- Eduardo Olavarria
- Edward Bataillard
- Edward Kanfer
- Edward Leen
- Edward Mullins
- Edwina Brown
- Eko Zhang
- Ekundayo Ajayi Obe
- Elika Kashef
- Elizabeth Dick
- Elizabeth Lorraine Hamlyn
- Elizabeth Whittaker
- Elliot Benjamin
- Emad AlJaaly
- Emily Handyside
- Emily Krennerich
- Emma Hatfield
- Emma Porter
- Erik Mayer
- Erika Harnik
- Ernie Wong
- Ester Avagliano
- Esther Posner
- Etienne Horner
- Eva Bolton
- Evangelia Papavasileiou
- Evangelos Russo
- Faisal Ahmed
- Farah Alobeidi
- Farah Rehman
- Fausto Palazzo
- Felicity Plaat
- Fiona Arnold
- Fiona Watt
- Florian Wernig
- Frances Bowen
- Frances Davies
- Frances Sanderson
- Francesca Cleugh
- Francesco Lo Giudice
- Francis Henry
- Frank Dor
- Frederick Wai Keung Tam
- Fu Siong Ng
- Gajen Kanaganayagam
- Ganan Sritharan
- gareth jones
- Gareth Tudor Williams
- Garima Gupta
- Gary Stocks
- Gaurav Atreja
- Gemma Dawe
- Geoffrey Lockwood
- Geoffrey Trew
- George Hanna
- George Peck
- George Reese
- Georgina Williams
- Geraldine Ng
- Ghada Mikhail
- Giles Hellawell
- Gillian Rose
- Gitta Madani
- Glenn Arnold
- Graham Cole
- Graham Cooke
- Graham Duguid
- Graham Jensch
- Graham Lawton
- Graham Taylor
- Gregory Sebepos Rogers
- Gulam Haji
- Gulamabbas Khakoo
- Gurpreet Sandhu
- Guy Martin
- Guy Thorpe Beeston
- Haider Kareem
- Hamid Abboudi
- Harpreet Wasan
- Harvinder Chahal
- Hashim U Ahmed
- Heather Lewis
- Helen Cox
- Helgi Johannsson
- Hema Purushothaman
- Hermione Lyall
- Hirah Rizki
- Hnin Hay Mar
- Horace Williams
- Hugh Millington
- Hugo Donaldson
- Hui Fan
- Humera Shaikh
- Huw Thomas
- Iain Colquhoun
- Ian Bailes
- Ian Barker
- Ian Maconochie
- Ian Pollock
- Ian Sinha
- Ieuan Harri Jenkins
- Indran Balasundaram
- Iqbal Malik
- Isabelle Leclerc
- Isha Narang
- Jack Galliford
- Jacqueline Lewis
- Jaimini Cegla
- James Alexander
- James Carton
- James Hatcher
- James Howard
- James Jackson
- James Kinross
- James Millard
- James Poncia
- James Richard Smith
- James Seddon
- Jamie Murphy
- Jamil Mayet
- Jamilah Meghji
- Jamshid Alaghband Zadeh
- Jane Apperley
- Jane Pritchard
- Janice Main
- Jasjit Kalsi
- Jasmine Tay
- Jason Ho
- Jaspal Kooner
- Jasvinder Daurka
- Jayanta Banerjee
- Jayne Terry
- Jean Todd
- Jeff Webster
- Jennifer Ziprin
- Jeremy Campbell
- Jeremy Cox
- Jeremy Crane
- Jeremy Levy
- Jethro Herberg
- Jiri Pavlu
- Joanna Ball
- Joanna Brown
- Joanna Danin
- Johanna Bray
- John G Myatt
- John Picard
- John Walsh
- Jonathan Bernstein
- Jonathan Cousins
- Jonathan Dunne
- Jonathan Harcourt
- Jonathan Hoare
- Jonathan Korgaonkar
- Jonathan Krell
- Jonathan Lai
- Jonathan Larholt
- Jonathan Simmons
- Jonathan Weber
- Joseph Kwan
- Joseph Shalhoub
- Joseph Wacher
- Josephine Lloyd
- Joshua Davison
- Josiah Eyeson
- Josu De La Fuente
- Judith Hunter
- Julian Redhead
- Julian Teare
- Julian Walters
- Justin Roe
- Justin Stebbing
- Justine Lowe
- Kalpesh Patel
- Karen Frame
- Karen Joash
- Karim Meeran
- Karl King Yong
- Katherine Buxton
- Katherine Malbon
- Katherine Papanikolaou
- Katherine Van Ree
- Kathleen Bamford
- Katie Ward
- Katy Clifford
- Katy Hogben
- Kevin Fox
- Kevin O Neill
- Kevin Tsang
- Khaled Sarraf
- Kikkeri Naresh
- Kitrick Perry
- Kornelia Kotseva
- Krishna Moorthy
- Krupa Madhvani
- Kshem Yapa
- Kunwar Bhatia
- Kushan Karunaratne
- Kyriakos Lobotesis
- Lakshmana Ayaru
- Lalin Navaratne
- Latha Srinivasan
- Laura Crawley
- Laura Kenny
- Laura Martin
- Leanne Goh
- Leena Karnik
- Leena Mewasingh
- Lefkos Middleton
- Lesley Regan
- Libuse Pazderova
- Lidia Tyszczuk
- Linda Greene
- Liz Lightstone
- Long R Jiao
- Loong Yuan Han
- Lorin Lakasing
- Lucio D Anna
- Lucy Bingham
- Lucy Cook
- Lucy Garvey
- Luke Howard
- M Francesca Cordeiro
- Maddalena Miele
- Madeline Lawton
- Mandish Dhanjal
- Mando Watson
- Maneesh Patel
- Manit Arya
- Marc Pelling
- Marco Scarci
- Marcus Drake
- Margarita Bartsota
- Maria Atta
- Maria Carulli
- Maria Cordeiro
- Maria Kyrgiou
- Maria Souvatzi
- Mariana Bertoncelli Tanaka
- Marina Loucaidou
- Marisa Taylor Clarke
- Marius Venter
- Mark Esler
- Mark Ferguson
- Mark Layton
- Mark Paley
- Mark Sacks
- Mark Thursz
- Mark Wilson
- Martin Clark
- Martin Stotz
- Mary Crofton
- Mary Roddie
- Maryam Alfa Wali
- Mathias Winkler
- Matt Ives
- Matthew Pickering
- Matthew Rollin
- Matthew Williams
- Maud Lemoine
- Max Chauhan
- Maya Al Memar
- Mayai Seah
- Meg Coleman
- Megan Griffith
- Megan Rowley
- Mehrengise Cooper
- Melanie Corbett
- Melissa Wickremasinghe
- Michael Bellamy
- Michael Coren
- Michael Fertleman
- Michael Jenkins
- Michael Johnson
- Michael Koa Wing
- Michael Laffan
- Michael Osborn
- Michael Pearse
- Michael Perry
- Michael Seckl
- Michael Yee
- Milad Hanna
- Miles Gandolfi
- Miles Stanford
- Min Yi Tan
- Mireia Cuartero Sala
- Mohamed Hariri
- Mohammad Hamady
- Mohammed Akmal
- Mohsen Hajhosseiny
- Monica Khanna
- Monica Mittal
- Monika Reddy
- Muna Noori
- Murray Hudson
- Nadeem Mushtaq
- Nadeem Qazi
- Nadey Hakim
- Nagy Habib
- Nagy Matar
- Nandita Prakash Gupta
- Naomi Primrose
- Natalie Direkze
- Natalie Phillips
- Nathalie Courtois Purgass
- Nattanit Gregoris
- Naveed Sarwar
- Navid Jallali
- Nearchos Hadjiloizou
- Neelakshi Goyal
- Neelofer Zaman
- Neil Chapman
- Neil Mo
- Neil Patel
- Neil Poulter
- Neil Rane
- Neil Ruparelia
- Neil Upadhyay
- Neill Duncan
- Nelly Ninis
- Niamh Martin
- Nic Alexander
- Nichola Cooper
- Nicholas Francis
- Nicholas Lee
- Nicholas Panay
- Nicholas Peters
- Nick Burfitt
- Nick Linton
- Nick Oliver
- Nicky Coote
- Nicola Batrick
- Nicola Mackie
- Nicola Stranix
- Nicola Strickland
- Nigel Barrett
- Nigel Basheer
- Nigel Mendoza
- Nilesh Sutaria
- Nina Salooja
- Nisha Patel
- Nishat Bharwani
- Niten Vig
- Nizar Din
- Nofal Khalil
- Noha Elshimy
- Norman Qureshi
- Nour El Hadi
- Nowlan Selvapatt
- Olamide Dosekun
- Olga Kirmi
- Omid Halse
- Ondina Bernstein
- Onn Kon
- Ourania Frangouli
- Oyebolanle Diya
- P Boon Lim
- Padmanabhan Ramnarayan
- Pallavi Tyagi
- Panagiotis Vlavianos
- Pankaj Sharma
- Paolo Muraro
- Paresh Malhotra
- Parind Patel
- Parvathprasad Annamalai
- Patricia Ortega
- Patrick Doyle
- Patrick Mallia
- Patrizia Cohen
- Patrizia Viola
- Paul Edison
- Paul Morrison
- Paul Thiruchelvam
- Paul Turner
- Paul Ziprin
- Pawel Bogucki
- Peter Arrigoni
- Peter Bain
- Peter Clarke
- Peter Evans
- Peter Hill
- Peter Kelleher
- Peter Reilly
- Peter Rosenfeld
- Peter Sever
- Peter Williamson
- Petros Nihoyannopoulos
- Philip Bloom
- Philip Gishen
- Philip Ind
- Philippa Borra
- Pinelopi Manousou
- Pippa Riddle
- Pooja Dassan
- Poyyamozhi Rajagopal
- Prakash Punjabi
- Prapa Kanagaratnam
- Prashant Sankaye
- Pratipal Kalsi
- Praveen Anand
- Priscilla Anketell
- Priya Bhagwat
- Punam Pabari
- Punit Ramrakha
- Rachel Bartlett
- Rachel Davies
- Rachel Freedman
- Raffi Kaprielian
- Rahila Zakir
- Rahim Kanji
- Raida Ahmad
- Rajarshi Bhattacharya
- Rajendra Rai
- Rajni Jain
- Rajveen Sodhi
- Rakesh Heer
- Ramesh Nair
- Rami Fikri
- Ramzi Khamis
- Ranan Dasgupta
- Ranju Dhawan
- Raoul Charles Coombes
- Rasha Al Lamee
- Rashmi Akshikar
- Rashmi Shetty
- Rashpal Flora
- Rathi Ramakrishnan
- Ravi Shankar Swamy
- Raymond Anakwe
- Rebecca Salter
- Reece Caldwell
- Renuka Palani
- Rex Kinnear Mellor
- Reza Mobasheri
- Ricardo Petraco
- Richard Corbett
- Richard Festenstein
- Richard Gibbs
- Richard Nicholas
- Richard Perry
- Richard Stumpfle
- Riz Ahmad
- Robert Boyle
- Robert Goldin
- Robert Thomas
- Roberto Casula
- Roberto Dina
- Roberto Guiloff
- Robin Strachan
- Robina Coker
- Rodney Foale
- Rohini Sharma
- Roland Morley
- Romana Kuchai
- Ronald Pearce
- Rosalind Bacon
- Rosepal Dhesi
- Ruchi Sinha
- Rudy Sinharay
- Ruth Bedson
- Ruth Brown
- Ruwan Fernando
- Saad Younis
- Sabeena Qureshi
- Sabrina Das
- Sachin Patel
- Sadaf Ghaem Maghami
- Sadie Syed
- Saira Hameed
- Sally Ameen
- Salman Siddiqui
- Salvatore Russo
- Sam Dahdaleh
- Sam Haddad
- Samantha Scholtz
- Sameer Khan
- Sami Hamid
- Samir Jivanjee
- Samir Wassouf
- Samira Rostampour
- Sanjay Gautama
- Sanjay Purkayastha
- Sanjiv Agarwal
- Sanooj Soni
- Sara Paterson Brown
- Sarah Brice
- Sarah Elise Finlay
- Sarah Elkin
- Sarah Fidler
- Sarah Frearson
- Sarah George
- Sarah Gordon
- Sarah McNeilly
- Sarah Partridge
- Sarah Sheard
- Sarah Taha
- Sarah Wakelin
- Satyajit Naique
- Sayan Sen
- Scott Kemp
- Sebastian Johnston
- Serap Akmal
- Shahid Khan
- Shahin Barati
- Shahla Ahmed
- Shane Roche
- ShankariArulkumaran
- Sharon Hall
- Shazia Ovaisi
- Shehan Hettiaratchy
- Shelley Srivastava
- Shelley Ward
- Shiranee Sriskandan
- Shona Love
- Shuli Levy
- Shun May Yeung
- Simon Ashworth
- Simon Fleminger
- Simon Glasgow
- Simon Nadel
- Simon Peake
- Simon Wood
- Simone Di Giovanni
- Siobhan Wren
- Sirazum Choudhury
- Soma Banerjee
- Sonali Thakrar
- Sonya Abraham
- Soo Ming Lim
- Sophia Opel
- Sophie Camp
- Sophie Farooque
- Sophie Molloy
- Sotirios Saravelos
- Srdjan Saso
- Stacey Bryan
- Stefan Antonowicz
- Stefan Studnik
- Stella Comitis
- Stephen Bloom
- Stephen Brett
- Stephen Humble
- Stephen Robinson
- Stewart Berry
- Stuart Viegas
- Stylianos Arseniou
- Sudeshna Ghosh
- Sudhin Thayyil
- Sukhjinder Nijjer
- Suks Minhas
- Sunil Patel
- Sunil Pullaperuma
- Sunit Godambe
- Sunny Nayee
- Susan Cleator
- Susan Copley
- Susan Kirby
- Susannah Long
- Sushil Beri
- Suzanne Keane
- Syed Babar
- Sylvie Flais
- Tagore Charles
- Taimur Shah
- Tamer El Husseiny
- Tanjinder Sanghera
- Tara Barwick
- Tariq Ayoub
- Tariq Miskry
- Taylan Yukselen
- Teresa Challoner
- Tessa Fayers
- Theresa Richardson
- Thisanayagam Umasunthar
- Thomas Bycroft
- Thomas Setchell
- Thomas Tsitsias
- Tim Orchard
- Tom Bourne
- Tom Evens
- Tom Prior
- Toni Petterson
- Tonia Vincent
- Tony Goldstone
- Tricia Tan
- Ujwal Kariholu
- Ulpee Darbar
- Umeer Waheed
- Valerie Saw
- Vanesa Garnelo Rey
- Vassiliki Bravis
- Vassilios Papalois
- Veronica Djapardy
- Veronica Ferguson LVO
- Vickie Lee
- Victoria Jowett
- Victoria Stewart
- Vidhya Nagaratnam
- Vikram Khullar
- Vimal Gokani
- Vincent Mak
- Vinita Nair
- Virinder Sidhu
- Waljit Dhillo
- Waqar Saleem
- Wendy Matthews
- William Dennes
- William Grant
- William Harrop Griffiths
- Wladyslaw Gedroyc
- Won Ho Edward Park
- Yassir Al Radhi
- Yen Tai
- Yuan Gao
- Zachary Whinnett
- Zaid Awad
- Zarni Win
- Patients and visitors
About us
- Equality diversity and inclusion
- Ethos values and behaviours
- How we are run
- Our strategy
- How we are doing
- What we do
- How we work
- Board papers
- Our history
- Media centre
- Get involved
- Statement on the Chancellors announcement
- Acute NHS trusts in north west London commit to shared vision for collaboration and priorities
- Life sciences recognised as key sector in London Growth Plan
- Personalising risk from COVID-19 key to protecting immunosuppressed people
- COVID-19 linked to increase in biomarkers for abnormal brain proteins
- Paddington Life Sciences celebrates one year of progress through partnership
- Sickle Cell Alliance formed to accelerate innovation and investment in research
- Have your say on the design of the Fleming Centre
- AI could predict type 2 diabetes up to 10 years in advance
- Dr Dominique Allwood has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Imperial College Health Partners
- Paddington Life Sciences Skills Mapping report
- Watch a recording of our AGM
- Supporting the next generation of health data scientists
- New blood test which can detect brain tumours receives FDA Breakthrough Therapy designation
- Global medical companies join Paddington Life Sciences Partners
- North West London Pathology joins Paddington Life Sciences Partners
- Novacare Hospital Pakistan joins Imperial College Healthcare
- Health technology event explores how to maximise innovation for the benefit of patients
- Trust innovation recognised at Patient Experience Network National Awards
- UK medicines regulator approves world-first gene-editing treatment for blood disorders
- Healthcare Central London joins Paddington Life Sciences Partners
- AI stethoscope rolled out to GP clinics in north west London to help diagnose heart failure
- Appeal to build The Fleming Centre is launched with HRH Prince William announced as Patron
- Information and advice about industrial action planned this mon
- Webinar encourages public involvement in new surgical centre
- First MRIs conducted remotely at the Trust as part of extended opening pilot
- AI model to detect female patients at risk of heart disease
- Former patient named Premier League Community Captain
- Full roll out of Call for concern
- Changes to maternity self referrals
- First full year impact of ADViSE
- Statement on redevelopment next steps Feb25
- Gene editing for sickle cell approved for use on the NHS
- Statement in response to NHP announcement
- Study shows ethnic differences in inflammatory bowel disease
- Royal College of Anaesthetists accreditation
- Architect chosen to design the Fleming Centre
- Snowflake joins Paddington Life Sciences Partners to support data-driven healthcare
- AI analysis could help guide the optimum time to collect eggs for IVF success
- Babies tested for over 200 genetic conditions as Trust joins world leading study in NHS hospitals
- Imperial Health Charity launches Winter Appeal
- Genetic clues explain why children develop rare post COVID condition
- AI model can predict high blood pressure and related complications from ECGs
- Trust staff named in New Year Honours
- Professor David Nott awarded Freedom of the City of London
- AI could help pinpoint stroke timing and treatment potential more accurately from brain scans
- What we want to see in 10 Year Health Plan
- Futureproofing our approach to AI
- Advanced rating for digital transformation
- Improving our cancer care pathways November 2024
- Trust consultant wins prestigious research award
- Diabetes rate doubles to 800 million adults but over half are untreated
- Local school raises over 20k for Charing Cross Hospital
- Transplant Football World Cup
- Autumn Budget statement
- AI model can predict health risks
- Preparations for winter 23
- NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre awarded over 1m for vital research equipment
- Director of the Fleming Initiative
- Academic promotions 2024
- Shortlist of architects announced for the next phase of The Fleming Centre design competition
- RIBA Competition shortlist announced for the Fleming Centre
- Trust nursing staff win Rising Star awards
- Digital leadership changes for the NHS in north west London
- Fleming Initiative raises first 100m in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance
- Our commitment to become an anti racist and anti discriminatory organisation
- Nearly 6000 patients registered as Imperial Health Knowledge Bank opens to researcher applications
- Line up for the NHS - Russell Howard to Headline
- Bookings are now open for virtual fertility open evening
- Neurosurgeons introducing mixed reality technology
- Imperial Private Healthcare launches International Affiliate Network
- Artificial intelligence can enhance patient care after cataract surgery
- St Marys Hospital is early adopter of innovative obesity treatment
- Pathway to excellence accreditation
- First anniversary of specialist ambulance service
- Search begins for architect to design new Fleming Centre
- Annual General Meeting 23 July 2024
- Industrial action in June and July
- Kings Birthday Honours 2024
- Blood group matching for patients with inherited blood disorders
- New programme to advance diversity and inclusion in clinical trials May 23
- Kidney transplant patients to get blood matched for white blood cells in new pilot
- Bookings are now open for our fertility open evening on Monday 17 June
- Academy of Medical Sciences Fellowships
- Healthy hearts event
- Elective Orthopaedic Centre opens
- Mo Gilligan opens new Play and Therapy Room
- GSK backs Fleming Initiative
- NATASHA trial May 2024
- Fleming Initiative launches a new media network to tackle antimicrobial resistance
- New prostate cancer screening trial could save thousands of lives
- State of the art MRI scanner for Charing Cross
- National Rail train strikes
- Imperial Health Knowledge Bank offers every patient the opportunity to take part in research
- Volunteer Employability Programme is changing lives - apply today
- Innovative medical implant found to relieve chest pain
- Remote monitoring of heart attack patients significantly reduced hospital readmissions
- 11 to 25 hub
- Helping to feed our most premature babies
- Athens Medical Group Greece joins Imperial College Healthcares International Affiliate Network
- Two Trust experts appointed to prestigious national research positions
- Improving productivity to reduce waiting times
- New strategic lay forum leadership team
- Scientists investigate a new therapy for breast cancer that has spread to the brain
- NHS England Chief Executive visits Charing Cross Hospital to mark NHS birthday
- Virtual biopsy uses AI to help doctors assess lung cancer
- Funding awarded to establish new HealthTech Research Centre
- Staff survey results 2023
- Covid may have small but lasting effects on cognition and memory
- Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust accredited as Veteran Aware
- Trust launches new patient safety initiative call for concern
- Industrial action in February
- Intensive care consultant to lead NIHR National Research Collaboration Programme
- Partnership launched to improve local air quality
- Results of CQC maternity survey 2023 published
- Trust environmental efforts shortlisted for HSJ Award
- Celebrating birthday honours
- First UK patients receive experimental mRNA cancer therapy at Imperial College Healthcare
- New NHS centre in Wembley aims to bring down waiting times and help tackle health inequalities
- Research breakthrough for brain cancer patients
- UHKSA measles information
- Trust offers laser therapy for glaucoma patients
- Gathering views on redevelopment of St Marys Hospital
- New chairs for Trust strategic lay forum
- Trust consultant recognised in 2024 New Year Honours
- Sim Scavazza GEMS story
- Innovative new procedure for severe acid reflux
- Blood group may predict the risk of stroke when receiving Covid 19 Oxford AstraZeneca vaccination
- Charing Cross Hospital overhauls anaesthetic supply to reduce carbon footprint
- Focal therapy for prostate cancer is cost effective and may improve patient outcomes
- Antimicrobial resistance securing the future
- UK Government backs Fleming Centre
- Stents as alternative to chest pain medication
- Imperial Health Charity launches Winter Appeal supporting our childrens AandE
- New national patient choice programme
- Latest REMAP CAP results
- Major study shows new insights into lasting impacts of Covid on UK population
- Surgery free brain stimulation could provide new treatment for dementia
- Major bronchiolitis trial launches to find the best breathing support for babies
- Trust recruits first UK patients to international kidney studies
- Research in Focus NIHR
- Industrial action planned for January and February 2023
- Emergency documentary returns
- Information and advice about industrial action in August
- Pioneering Trust surgeon wins Lifetime Achievement Award
- Patients food allergies not being prescribed life saving medicationtion
- Trust staff receive academic promotions from Imperial College London
- Trust staff among Rising Star Awards winners
- Junior doctors and consultants strikes in October - get the dates and answers to common questions
- Student sets his heart on medical career after being saved by NHS staff
- Finalists at the London Healthcare Support Worker Awards
- World first programme to transform type 2 diabetes care for under 40s
- Trust appoints new non executive directors
- Op RESTORE ministerial visit
- Trust statement in response to outcome of Lucy Letby trial
- First womb transplant performed in the UK
- the trust to take back responsibility for running the urgent treatment centre at St Marys Hospital
- Introducing darker toned manikins across our maternity services
- Neuroscience research awareness day at Charing Cross Hospital
- Celebrating 75 years of the NHS
- Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trusts 2023 agm
- Imperial College Healthcares maternity services continue to be rated as outstanding
- Vaccination halves risk of long Covid largest study to date shows
- Information for patients concerned by the Ockenden report
- Trust becomes first in UK to achieve BSAC antimicrobial stewardship accreditation
- Annual research fellowships awarded
- Celebrating 1000 plus clinical trials last year
- Trust and rail staff join together to mark NHS75
- Maximising community voices in research
- Trust researcher wins national cardiology award
- Consultant co authors national report
- Consultant wins national award research work
- Trust apprentice wins prestigious national award
- First of three new NHS community diagnostic centres for north west London opens
- Why diversity in clinical trials is essential to the future of UK life sciences
- New director of strategic partnerships for Paddington Life Sciences
- Leading life sciences organisations join forces in Paddington
- New sanctuary garden for bereaved visitors opens Charing Cross Hospital
- Trial to capture anaesthetic gases and reduce our carbon footprint
- Trust response to New Hospital Programme announcement
- Humans of Health Research exhibition new dates for White City
- Trials page
- Three Imperial researchers awarded Academy of Medical Sciences Fellowships
- Humans of Health Research series issue 11
- Trust staff recognised at Advancing Healthcare Awards
- Information and advice about industrial action
- Roaming portrait exhibition celebrates staff and patients in healthcare research
- Trust staff profiled by latest in Academic Health Science Centre Humans of Health Research series
- Trust achieves accreditation as Living Wage Employer
- Two Trust nurses receive internationally recognised award for outstanding care
- Comedian Rich Hall playing charity show as thank you to Charing Cross Hospital and cancer charity
- Trust shortlisted in HSJ digital awards
- Trust recognised at HSJ Partnership Awards
- Information and advice about industrial action planned this month
- Charing Cross Hospital apprentice in the running for national award
- London wide specialist ambulance service for critically ill patients
- Humans of Health Research series issue 10
- Centre of excellence for inpatient orthopaedic surgery in north west London gets the go ahead
- Kisspeptin hormone injection could treat low sex drive in women and men
- Update on NHS proposal to improve orthopaedic surgery in north west London
- NHS staff survey results 2023
- NHS staff survey results from 2022
- NHS staff survey results
- New Digital Collaboration Space to boost health data enabled research
- Ukrainian surgeons visit the Trust
- Nurse and early career researcher wins fellowship in competitive national programme
- Imperial Biomedical Research Centre showcases work to tackle major health issues
- Humans of Health Research series issue 9
- Heart failure nurse wins national award from charity
- Copy of Tech collaborative works with NHS to test new care platform for cardiac patients
- Trust joins international nurse recognition programme the Daisy Awards
- Celebrating the festive season at our hospitals
- Humans of Health Research series issue 8
- North west London acute trusts make formal proposal to develop an elective orthopaedic centre
- Humans of Health Research series issue 7
- London Ambulance Service industrial action on Wednesday 21 December
- Industrial action by the RCN on 15 and 20 December
- Mental health nurse wins national award
- Multi million pound trial to find best flu treatments
- Our plans to maintain high quality care throughout a challenging winter
- Trust achievements recognised at the Health Service Journal awards
- Trust appoints new non executive director
- New machine learning tool can help predict patients most at risk of developing Covid 19 in hospital
- Share your views on NHS proposal to improve orthopaedic surgery in north west London
- North West London Patient Safety Research Collaboration secures renewed funding
- Latest Humans of Health Research profiles Trust staff
- 95 million investment for Imperial Biomedical Research Centre
- North West London Clinical Trials Alliance shortlisted for national award
- New heart attack insight could lead to better survival rates after surgery
- Research in focus health data
- New Trust non executive directors appointed as board in common is established
- Services and appointments on Monday 19 September
- Statements on the death of Her Majesty The Queen
- Western Eye Hospital to be expanded alongside building improvements to enable full reopening
- Acute NHS trusts strengthen partnership working to improve patient care
- Local hospital scales 68 metre tower block in latest phase of decarbonisation project
- Improvements at Imperial College Healthcare recognised in the 2022 HSJ awards shortlist
- New life sciences cluster in Paddington
- Changing the order of breast cancer treatments may lead to better care
- Monkeypox update and advice
- Flagship lounges at Charing Cross and Hammersmith hospitals officially open for staff
- First patient randomised into super donor plasma trial at Charing Cross hospital
- Compassionate communities 2022
- Neonatal care app designed at Imperial College Healthcare soon available to parents nationally
- Professor Dame Lesley Regan appointed as Womens Health Ambassador
- Single brain scan can diagnose Alzheimers disease
- Proposed tube and rail strikes
- National NHS complaint handling research
- Applications now open for sponsored nursing associate programme
- Joint care north west London
- Trust staff complete programme to help them into research careers
- A year of research in numbers
- AMS Fellowships 2022
- Trust celebrates International Day of the Midwife
- ENO Breathe programme can improve quality of life and breathlessness after COVID-19
- Innovation partnership looks to recycle facemasks into new products for the NHS
- Imperial medical technology spinout secures investment
- Kisspeptin hormone can enhance human bone activity
- Real time hospital admissions data system to support future response to public health emergencies
- Next steps set out for Western Eye Hospital following temporary relocation of services
- New womens health research centre
- Resurfacing works affecting Du Cane Road near Hammersmith Hospital
- Survivors of heart attack and cardiac arrest at increased risk of early death after discharge
- Imperial College Healthcare recognised as an Innovation and Impact 110 organisation by Upstream
- Trust awarded funding to expand early phase clinical research
- Trust to feature in new BBC2 medical series using augmented reality
- Simple blood test could save lives of thousands of heart attack patients
- Ultrasound scan can diagnose prostate cancer
- Better Hospitals webinar now available to watch
- Channel 4 documentary gives unique insight into London major trauma network
- west London childrens healthcare initiative
- Design team appointed St Marys Hospital redevelopment
- Redevelopment update for St Marys Charing Cross and Hammersmith hospitals
- Portrait exhibition celebrates staff and patients in healthcare research
- Joint chair announcement 2022
- Charity grant helps doctors utilise data to improve outcomes for patients with ovarian cancer
- First wave of rest nests handed over to Trust staff
- New publication to widen access to key facts about Covid 19 vaccination from the latest research
- Artificial Intelligence tool could help GPs diagnose heart failure
- Heat map of loneliness in London could provide insights into social isolation
- Researchers awarded 1m to trial quicker diagnostic tools for prostate cancer
- Trust consultant awarded MBE 2022
- New findings suggest smoking increases social isolation and loneliness
- Gynaecology GP study afternoon 28 February 2019
- Sickle cell patient engagement 2025
- Board in common 21 January 2025
- Bookings are now open for fertility open evening
- Board in common 15 October 2024
- Music production workshop with Listen to Act
- Graffiti art workshop with Listen to Act
- Photography workshop with Listen to Act
- Trust annual general meeting 2024
- Better Hospitals webinar
- Board in common 16 July 2024
- Free events for senior citizens as part of Silver Sunday at Charing Cross Hospital
- AHSC seminar radiation
- Church Street Market pop up event on St Marys redevelopment
- St Marys Hospital pop up event on St Marys redevelopment one
- St Marys Hospital pop up event on St Marys redevelopment
- Orthopaedic GP study afternoon Nov 2019
- Renal recruitment open day
- agm 2019
- Band 5 Cardiac nursing open day
- Emergency department nurses open day
- Specialist medicine nurse recruitment coffee morning
- Band 5 Emergency department recruitment coffee morning
- Home birth discussion group March 2020
- Band 5 Staff Nurse Private Healthcare Coffee Morning
- Home birth discussion group April 2020
- Surgery division recruitment open day Feb 2020
- Home birth discussion group
- Intensive care nursing open day 5 Nov 2019
- Intensive care nursing open day 18 July 2019
- Haematology recruitment open day 15 Nov 2019
- Band 5 Emergency department recruitment morning
- Theatre recruitment
- Band 5 and 6 nurse Trust wide coffee morning
- Haematology recruitment open day 6 Mar 2020
- ENT plastic surgery recruitment open day
- Managing sickle cell and thalassaemia
- Genomic Medicine GP Study Afternoon Sept 2019
- Resuscitation for parents 23 May 2019
- Resuscitation for parents 27 June 2019
- Arthritis the power of a positive mindset event
- Hepatology HCV GP Study Afternoon 22 May
- Haematology open day 5 April 2019
- Trauma recruitment open day 8 Nov 2019
- Resuscitation training for parents 19 July 2019
- NWL Pathology event 21 March 2019
- Ophthalmology GP Study Afternoon 26 June
- Medico orchestra concert
- ED GP Study Afternoon 17 April 2019
- Renal recruitment open day 1 May
- Trauma recruitment open day 24 May 2019
- Update on Maternity GP Study Afternoon
- Sickle cell and thalassemia GP study afternoon
- Stroke and neurosciences recruitment coffee morning 26 March 2019
- Rheumatology GP Study Afternoon July 2019
- Renal staff nurse recruitment day 6 March 2019
- Renal recruitment open day 10 December
- Surgery cancer and cardiovascular December recruitment event
- Board meeting March 2022
- Trauma recruitment day
- Board meeting January
- Board meeting July
- Board meeting November 2021
- Board meeting May 2022
- Board meeting May
- Board meeting July 2022
- Board meeting March
- Board in common 18 April 2023
- Board in common 18 October 2022
- Board in common 16 April 2024
- Patient input session
- Board in common 18 July 2023
- Board in common 16 January 2024
- Board in common 17 January 2023
- Redevelopment drop in St Marys Reception
- Online webinar event on St Marys redevelopment
- PaddingtonNow BID pop up event on St Marys redevelopment
- Upcoming research information session for community members
- AHSC webinar reverse innovation in the NHS
- World Patient Safety Day is on Thursday 14 September 2023
- Trust annual general meeting 2023
- Recruitment event for nurses and midwives
- AHSC seminar bacterial infections and microbial resistance
- Improving bone and joint care 16 June
- Improving bone and joint care 14 June
- Global issues in women health
- AHSC Seminar New robotic devices for self-physiotherapy
- London Informed - Big Conversation
- AHSC Seminar How healthcare data and artificial intelligence can improve care
- AHSC seminar Understanding and treating long COVID
- AHSC seminar climate change health impacts
- Management of recurrent miscarriage GP study afternoon
- Urology GP study afternoon September 2021
- Life Sciences seminar
- AHSC seminar Prenatal and early life influences on child health
- Sickle Cell GP Study Afternoon
- Early Pregnancy and adolescent gynaecology GP study afternoon
- How green is your hospital
- AHSC seminar protecting against Covid
- AHSC seminar treating paediatric asthma in the hospital and community
- How Covid 19 is changing hospital design
- Network Learning Forum Mental Health Update
- COVID Vaccine Update for Primary Care in NWL
- Stroke Virtual GP Study Afternoon
- Understanding the spread of COVID 19
- T and O Interactive GP Forum
- Acute presentations of COVID
- Network Learning Forum Child health in Covid
- Network Learning Forum - Child Health in Covid
- Network Learning Forum Long Covid
- Differential population impacts of the COVID 19 pandemic
- NLF Pathology
- NLF 15 July 2020
- NLF Cardiology
- NWL Cancer Covid Webinar
- Skin Manifestations and Dermatology in the time of Covid 19
- NLF 17 June
- Developing a covid 19 vaccine
- Safeguarding Children during Covid 19
- MSK Webinar 3rd June 2020
- NWL Covid Webinar is on Innovation During the Pandemic Back to Better
- Stroke GP Study Afternoon 2020
- Young Peoples Mental Health GP Study Afternoon
- Fracture Liaison Service GP Study Afternoon 26th February
- Help improve asthma care in London
- At the Trust we are putting our emphasis on achieving equity not just equality
- Black History Month 2023 Saluting our sisters by Joselyn King
- Black History Month 2023 - A blog from Chenika Goldson
- Black History Month 2024 Blog - Barry Seemungal PhD FRCP
- Blog Policy
- Celebrating 51 years of friendship born from our Trust
- Changing the order of breast cancer treatments may lead to better care
- Compassionate Communities funding to support patients who are waiting for treatment
- Discharge before noon takes persistence and planning
- Dr Marian Donegan
- Driving equity and inclusion through research
- ESEAHM Brenda Deocampo
- From the Philippines to Imperial College Healthcare
- From Windrush to the wards
- Heart failure is a big cause of hospital admissions and prolonged hospital stays
- How a new approach to hair can help us provide better patient care
- I am proud of my military service
- I feel privileged to be in the position to deliver care
- Imperial consultant book uses scientific evidence to help people lose weight
- Improved protection with bivalent Covid 19 booster vaccines 2022
- Improving health and equity
- Improving safety through collaboration connection and behaviour change
- Improving the lives of patients with sickle cell
- In honour of East and South East Asian Heritage Month Fraya Nebrija
- In honour of South Asian Heritage Month 2024 - Jessica Fernandes
- In honour of South Asian Heritage Month 2024 - Nymeth Ali
- Introducing Alastair Fraser
- Introducing Lord Moran
- Investing in volunteers at NHS hospitals
- It is a privilege to help people during their most difficult times
- It is incredibly humbling and empowering to be the first doctor to win MasterChef
- James Kinross Q and A
- Jazz Thind - South Asian Heritage Month
- Jerome Allen on his passion for helping others
- Jinju James - South Asian Heritage Month
- Lay partners ensure patients and the community are being listened to
- Life sciences is key to the future of the NHS - Professor Tim Orchard
- Measles blog with Ahmed and Liz
- Meet Alex Barnao
- Meet Ali Mears
- Meet Asmahan a patient safety partner at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- Meet Donna Rowe
- Meet Idah Mojela
- Meet James Harkness
- Meet Luke Wilkinson Trauma and orthopaedics physiotherapist
- Meet Matthew Swindells the first joint chair for all four acute trusts in north west London
- Meet medical director Mr Raymond Anakwe
- Meet Miss Georgina Williams
- Meet Niamh Bohnacker
- Meet Niki Robins specialist bereavement midwife
- Meet Professor Christina Fotopoulou
- Meet Rowan Boyles
- Meet Sara Logan
- Meet Srdjan Saso
- Meet the cancer patients and scientists leading the search for new cures
- Meet the surgeons transforming diabetic foot care
- Meet Toheeb Sodiq
- More effective treatment for patients with sepsis
- Nicola Crossey on the power of Occupational Therapy
- Nursing and midwifery at Imperials journey on the Pathway to Excellence
- Obstetrician Sabrina Das reflects on providing maternity care in Yemen
- Open Britain JJ Keith Celebrates Migrant Contributions to the NHS
- Organ donation is one of the most beautiful things that people can do
- Orthopaedic surgeon Prof Raj Bhattacharya on NHS Trauma Surgery
- Our local communities are key to successful research
- Personal reflections as the NHS turns 76
- Professor Mark Thursz Love Your Liver January 2023
- Professor Onn Min Kon
- Promoting a research culture in emergency medicine is essential
- Putting female scientists at the forefront of womens health research
- Rare diseases need to be focussed into specialist centres so that patient outcomes can improve
- Remembering Windrush - Honouring the Legacy and Advocating for Sickle Cell Disorder
- Shirlee Rufo breast cancer blog
- Supporting our armed forces staff and patients
- Supporting our breast cancer patients
- Teamwork is what carries us through when we treat patients with such horrific injuries
- The eye can be used as a window into the brain to look at different diseases
- The Fleming Centre - Driving the fight against antimicrobial resistance
- The importance of dedicated healthcare support for veterans
- The photos on the wards were like therapy for me
- The way we talk about dying matters
- There arent many careers where you can save or change a persons life for the better
- Using volunteers to reduce Did Not Attend rate amongst the most deprived
- What is Mayer Rokitansky Kuster Hauser syndrome
- AWAIR air pollution
- Flemingdesign
- NHS75
- Open Britain
- About our research
- Research in Focus
Research facilities
- Centre for Peri Operative Medicine and Critical Care Research
- Clinical Imaging Facility
- Imanova Centre for Imaging Sciences
- Imperial memory unit
- National Institute for Health and Care Research Imperial Clinical Research Facility
- Parkinsons Disease Research Unit
- Robert Hesketh Hepatology Clinical Research Unit
- Women Health Research Centre
- Clinical trials centre
- Childrens Clinical Research Facility
- Imperial Clinical Trials Unit
- Imperial Clinical Respiratory Research Unit
- Imperial tissue bank
- Research studies
- Taking part
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- Pay and benefits
Career paths
- Healthcare assistants
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- Nurses and midwives
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- Reservists
- Work experience
- Apprentice stories
Apprenticeships roles
- Administrator
- Cardiographer
- Clinical coding administrator
- Healthcare support worker
- HR admin assistant
- Laboratory science assistant
- Medical secretary
- Occupational therapy assistant
- Pathway coordinator
- Pharmacy assistant
- Physiotherapy assistant
- Radiography assistant
- Speech and language therapy assistant
- Theatre support worker
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