
Our nationally-commissioned pulmonary hypertension service at Hammersmith Hospital consists of a highly specialised multidisciplinary team providing diagnosis, investigations, outpatient and inpatient treatment, and long-term follow-up care for people with suspected pulmonary hypertension.

We are one of only eight trusts in the UK to offer this dedicated service. We strive to improve the quality of life and the personal experience of our patients and their carers by using the best evidenced-based practice.

We participate in the national audit programme for pulmonary hypertension services – visit NHS Digital’s website to learn more and read the latest audit results.

Conditions and treatments

At Hammersmith Hospital we accept referrals of adults with pulmonary hypertension where the following diagnoses are suspected or proven:

  • pulmonary arterial hypertension
  • chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension and other pulmonary artery obstructions
  • pulmonary hypertension related to left heart disease or parenchymal lung disease with signs of severe pulmonary hypertension/right ventricular dysfunction
  • miscellaneous/uncertain causes
  • pulmonary hypertension where the cause is not certain

Pulmonary hypertension disease targeted therapies are offered to appropriate patients in accordance with the national commissioning policy and current evidence-based guidelines.

Patients diagnosed with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension are referred to Royal Papworth Hospital for an opinion about their suitability for pulmonary endarterectomy surgery. Patients that may benefit from a lung transplantation are referred to Harefield or Royal Papworth Hospital for assessment.

We conduct the following tests

  • six minute walk test
  • electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • echocardiogram 
  • chest x-ray
  • quality of life questionnaire
  • screening blood tests
  • MRSA screening swabs

Further investigations may include

  • CT pulmonary angiography
  • ventilation perfusion scanning
  • cardiac magnetic resonance
  • selective pulmonary angiography
  • abdominal ultrasound
  • pulmonary function tests
  • arterial blood gases
  • cardiopulmonary exercise testing
  • cardiac catheterisation +/- exercise
  • exercise echocardiography
  • overnight oxygen saturation monitoring

Visit our patient information page for more information.

Additional information

Clinical trials and research

We offer clinical research to many of our patients, from phase I to phase IV. All research is approved by research ethics committees via the NHS health research authority. Patients will be provided with written information about the research and given time to consider their options. Opportunities will be provided to discuss this further with the doctors involved.


The pulmonary hypertension team at Hammersmith Hospital provide training and education about the condition for all healthcare professionals, including annual study days and an annual masterclass for physicians. Please email ICHC-tr.NPHS@nhs.net with any questions. 

Further online resources