Equality, diversity and inclusion

In September 2024, we made a commitment to anti-racism and anti-discrimination that is not just a statement of intent, but an active guide to building a genuinely fair and inclusive organisation for our staff, patients and communities.

Our commitment as an organisation takes a systemic approach to challenging and changing everything we do. It sits alongside the individual commitment we expect all of our staff to make, supported by an interactive self assessment tool, resources and training.

Our commitments and broader approach to equity and inclusion are informed by deep engagement with our staff and communities and our equity and inclusion journey to date.

Toolkits: Microaggressions, being an ally and talking about race

Explore our toolkits designed to help you create a more inclusive and respectful environment. Whether you're addressing microaggressions, talking about race, or becoming a better ally, our accessible resources provide practical guidance.

Rooted in our values, these toolkits are designed to empower you to take meaningful action and make a positive impact.

Toolkits to help you understand and challenge discrimination