
Our lymphoedema clinics see patients who are affected by swelling to parts of the body due to a damaged lymphatic system following a chronic condition, cancer or cancer treatments.

Our service is provided by practitioners with experience in managing lympohedema of every cause. Our emphasis is on early intervention to prevent the complications that are often associated with lymphoedema.

We focus on supporting patients to manage the lymphoedema themselves with regular support from the clinic.

Treatments we offer

In most cases, treatment plans will focus on enabling you to manage the lymphoedema yourself, with regular support from the clinic. This self-management regime may include:

  • advice about skin care
  • exercise
  • self-massage
  • fitting of a lymphoedema garment – compression sleeve, stocking or compression wraps.

For some people a more intensive treatment regime may be necessary, requiring frequent visits to the clinic over a period of one or two weeks while a course of specialised manual lymphatic drainage (MLD) massage and/or lymphoedema bandaging is provided.

Further online resources