Dementia care team
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What does the dementia care team do?
The dementia care team supports patients with dementia, and their carers and relatives. The team provides a range of services to patients who are in hospital for reasons which may, or may not, be directly related to their dementia. The team operates across all of our hospitals and satellite sites.
Do I need a referral to access the service?
No. Anyone can refer a inpatient at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust to the team, including carers, family members or patients themselves.
Who is on the dementia care team?
Jo James, lead nurse, dementia
Jules Knight, dementia clinical nurse specialist
Aishlene O'Neill, dementia clinical nurse specialist
Other members of the team are available on wards to answer any questions you may have:
Josh Pettit, health care assistant, nutritional support project (NOSH)
Lucy Gilby, health care assistant, nutritional support project (NOSH)
Contact us
Patients, carers, relatives and GPs can contact any member of the team. The team is available from 09.00 to 17.00 to provide information, support and advice about the care of people with dementia in our hospitals. If you are calling outside of these hours, please leave a message and the team will respond as soon as possible. Alternatively you can email the team.
Jo James: 079 9054 0358
Jules Knight: 077 8985 5686
Aishlene O'Neill: 078 3343 7593
Additional information
Further online resources
- Alzheimer's Society
- Dementia UK
- John's Campaign
- Carers UK
- Frontotemporal Dementia Support Group (FTDSG)
- NHS Choices – Dementia
- Carers Trust – Alzheimer’s and Dementia
- DEEP – Dementia Engagement and Empowerment Project
- Mind
- Arts 4 Dementia