You may be offered an outpatient video appointment instead of a face-to-face appointments.

We use DrDoctor for our video consultation appointments. This replaces the Attend Anywhere system we have used before. 

Attending your video consultation

  1. We’ll send you an email or text message a few hours before your appointment with a secure DrDoctor link to your video consultation.
  2. Five to ten minutes before your appointment click the link, enter your name, and allow your audio and camera to work.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to test your audio and video 
  4. Please wait for your clinician to join you in your private, video consultation room
  5. If there are any problems your clinician will phone you on the number in your patient record.

Preparing for your video consultation

  1. You’ll need a device with a camera and microphone, good internet connection, and a quiet well-lit room.
  2. DrDoctor works on Chrome, Safari and Edge browsers. It does not work on Internet Explorer.