
As part of the north west London specialist oesophago-gastric cancer service, we provide centralised expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of oesophageal-gastric cancer (OG cancer).

We provide a full range of diagnostic tests, scans and examinations for patients suspected of oesophageal or gastric (stomach) cancers to enable us to rule out cancer, or start appropriate treatment as early as possible where cancer is found.

Diagnosed patients are fully supported by our specialist oesophago-gastric cancer multidisciplinary team (MDT), consisting of oncologists (cancer experts), surgeons, nurse specialists and other professionals who meet every week to discuss new and recurrent cases of oesophago-gastric cancer.

The team provide a range of specialist expertise and offer a number of innovative services to best care for our patients:

  • early cancer service (early detection, treatment and surveillance program)
  • personalised patient care (optimising physical, nutritional and mental health prior to surgery to improve surgical outcomes and health related quality-of-life)
  • comprehensive onco-geriatric service (increasing access to curative treatment for older or frailer patients through comprehensive assessment of surgical suitability)

Treatment may include surgery (a gastrectomy or oesophagectomy), chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or a combination of all three.

Additional information

Clinical trials and research

We are one of the top recruitment hospitals in the country to research trials to help us find the best ways to treat cancer. You will be offered to partake in a trial if there is one available that suits your disease.

Further online resources