Plans are in place to ensure we continue to provide high quality care for all our patients as we head into what we expect to be a challenging winter.

How we’re preparing for winter

In October, teams from across the Trust came together at the Charing Cross Hospital winter summit to discuss learning and ideas to maximise operational flow as we head into our busiest winter months.

Our urgent and emergency pathways are under increased pressure which means that our inpatient capacity will be even more of a challenge, especially given the importance of maintaining our elective improvement.

We want to build on the benefits of the 24/7 critical care outreach and enhanced pharmacy support that we put in place last year, while also expanding virtual wards and improving bed management processes further.

We will share more information as we continue to prepare our hospitals for winter.

Keeping well this winter

Just as we prepare ourselves for the colder winter months, we want you to look after yourselves, too. Across north west London, pharmacies and GPs offer a range of services to support your health, including:

  • COVID-19, flu, and respiratory syntactical virus (RSV) vaccines for those who are eligible
  • Middle-aged health MOTs
  • Guidance about health and well-being
  • Guidance to help care for children and young people

Visit the website for the North West London Integrated Care System to find out more about local resources.