GPs and practice managers can use the information on this page to make a new referral or enquire about an existing patient.

Refer to a service using NHS e-Referrals

GPs should use the NHS e-Referrals Service (e-RS) to refer patients to first consultant-led outpatient appointments at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

Due to the nature of some conditions, some of our services do not require a referral via e-RS and can be referred in to using other methods.

Many of our e-RS services offer direct booking, enabling you and your patient to review available appointments together and book an appointment slot before the patient leaves your surgery. Alternatively, you may submit your referral and suggest your patient books their appointment from home. Be sure to give patients their booking reference number and e-Referrals password before they leave your practice.

If there are no clinic slots available to book via e-Referrals, you will still be able to refer your patient to us. Select the ‘defer to provider’ option when you submit your referral on e-Referrals. Our service will follow up with the patient directly – we endeavor to do this within two working days for two week wait services, and five working days for standard services – to arrange their first appointment.

What to do if direct booking is not offered

Some services do not offer direct booking. These are referral assessment or triage services. When you submit your referral to one of these services, the referral will go to our team of consultants, who will review the referral and determine which clinic will meet the patient’s needs. The service’s administrative team will follow up with the patient directly to arrange their first appointment.

Many of our services have recently become referral assessment services. Please see here for a list of those services.

If you cannot find the service you’re looking for on e-Referrals, try searching for the condition rather than the service, or check the general service if the sub-specialty you are looking for does not seem to be available.

What to do if a particular consultant is not available to book

If you would like your patient to see a particular consultant but that consultant is not available to book, please address your referral to the preferred consultant within e-Referrals and the service will make every effort to accommodate your request where appropriate.

For enquiries about NHS e-Referrals contact 0345 608 8888 or your local service desk. In the event of downtime, we will liaise with local referrers with downtime procedures.

If you have an enquiry about a referral, please contact our GP hotline on 020 3313 5060 or ICHC-TR.IMPERIALREFERRALS@NHS.NET.

Using referral forms

Some services have specific referral forms for use by GPs, which are available via NHS e-Referrals and our website. If you are making a referral to a service that requests you use a specific referral form, please complete this form and attach it to your referral in NHS e-Referrals. 

Patient self-referrals

A small number of services, including our maternity service and some sexual health services, accept referrals directly from patients.

For women requiring maternity care, please ask them to self-refer using our online form.

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust | Antenatal self-referral form

Please see our services directory for more information. 

Tests and results

If you are a GP and wish to request a pathology test or receive clinical advice on a patient’s test results, please contact the pathology call centre on 020 3313 5353, 09.00 to 17.00, Monday to Friday, or email: ICHC-TR.IMPERIALPATHOLOGYRESULTS@NHS.NET.

Refer to the pathology website for more information.

Patient referral enquiries

If you are a GP or practice manager and you have a general enquiry about your patient, a referral or an appointment, please contact our GP hotline on: 020 3313 5060 (08.00 to 17.00, Monday to Friday, except bank holidays).

Private referrals

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust also provides private services for all specialties. If you would like to refer a patient for private care, you can either contact a consultant directly or go through the Imperial College Healthcare Private Care booking office. The office is open Monday to Friday 08.00 – 17.00 and the team can be reached by calling 020 3311 7700 or by emailing IMPERIAL.PRIVATE.HEALTHCARE@NHS.NET


For a complete list of consultants that have a private practice at the Trust please visit the Imperial Private Care consultant directory.