Complex pregnancies
We are here to help and support you if you have a health condition or another reason why your pregnancy is not straightforward. These are known as complex pregnancies.

How do we identify someone with a complex pregnancy?
At your first midwife appointment (booking appointment) your midwife will ask questions about any pregnancies you have had before, any medical problems or past operations, medicines you may be taking, any mental health challenges, and social factors such as stresses regarding housing or anything that may affect your home life.
Based on your answers, your midwife may suggest you see a specialist. This could be:
- A consultant’s antenatal clinic appointment, so you can speak with a doctor.
- The preterm birth team, for people with a higher chance of going into labour significantly before their due date.
- Our obstetric medicine team, for people who had medical problems before their pregnancy.
- Our fetal medicine team, for people whose other children were born with certain genetic conditions or other health problems.
- Birth Options clinic, for people who need extra care when they give birth.
We also have some specialist teams of midwives who would look after you if you have specific needs.
For example:
- If you have miscarried in the past.
- If you are a teenager who is pregnant.
- If you are experiencing challenges with your mental health.
- If you are expecting twins (or more) in your current pregnancy.
Your physical and social situation can change at any time in the pregnancy, so it is important to tell your midwife at follow-up appointments if this is the case. They can help you get additional support at any time in the pregnancy.
What happens to people with a complex pregnancy?
We make plans to care for you depending on what you need and what you would like. If you have a complex pregnancy, you may have more scans or appointments than usual. You may see a consultant for an assessment, or reassurance that your pregnancy and birth can still be managed by our midwives. Whenever you see your midwife, they will check you are getting the right support and can make changes to your care, or birth plan, if needed.
About this page
- Last updated
- Author Giuseppe Prima