Quality and performance reports
Through our quality and performance reports, we evaluate our activity against a range of key performance indicators (KPIs).
KPIs are organised into five key categories, which are the same areas the CQC use to rate care providers like us.
They are a mix of national targets that all NHS organisations must meet, and targets we’ve set in collaboration with our partners.
They are:
- Effective: mortality, stroke care, and inpatient and outpatient performance
- Safe: infection prevention and control, patient safety, and maternity care
- Caring: patient feedback, experience, and complains
- Responsive: planned care, cancer care, theatre productivity, emergency care, and ambulance handover times
- Well-led: mandatory training, sickness absence, vacancy rates, and turnover.
As well as helping us understand what we’ve done, the report also helps us:
- Improve our services
- Spot any trends to mitigate issues before they happen, or reduce the impact of risk
- Provide assurances to our partner organisations.
Our quality and performance report is discussed in our committees, helping us to make improvements to our patient care.
View and download our monthly performance scorecards and quality performance reports.
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