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Nicola Anne-Knowles


Stefan Antonowicz PhD FRCS is a clinical senior lecturer at Imperial College London and honorary consultant surgeon at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust. He completed his clinical training in Oxford and London, and his main surgical interest is minimally invasive major oesophagogastric cancer resections, in addition to achalasia, anti-reflux, hernia and gallbladder surgery.


Oesophageal cancer, gastric cancer, gastro-oesophageal reflux, hiatus hernia, other abdominal hernia, gallstones, achalasia

Research & publications

His doctoral research involved dissecting the molecular mechanisms underpinning exhaled breath biomarkers of oeosphagogastric cancer. Through two papers (Cancer Research 2020, Nat Comms 2021) he showed a tumour-lipid origin for exhaled reactive carbonyls (RCs), demonstrating the molecualr origins of a breath test for that cancer.

He now leads his own group studying metabolic heterogeneity in upper gastrointestinal cancers, supported by major grants from the Rosetrees' Trust, Cancer Research UK, and the Medical Research Council.

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