
Outpatients appointments
020 7266 8777

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We offer comprehensive multidisciplinary and multi-agency services for children with neurodisability, communication disorders, and behavioural problems.

We assess and treat children with developmental delay neurodisability services including:

  • spasticity management and botulinum toxin injections to relieve muscle spasms
  • social communication disorder (autistic spectrum disorder)
  • behavioural disorders including ADHD
  • looked after children/adoption
  • complex feeding
  • statutory medical examinations and reports
  • support of local special needs schools immunisation advice

We work in partnership with community and acute service providers and the team includes:

  • medical
  • physiotherapy
  • occupational therapy
  • speech and language therapy
  • clinical psychology
  • clinical nurse specialists

The team is involved in the local implementation of immunisation policy and advice and provides a local service for pupils attending Westminster Special Schools.

The team work alongside other agencies on pathways for children and their families with disabilities, in keeping with current national guidance such as national service framework for children, Every Child Matters, and NICE guidelines.

Where relevant, our team provides health input for statutory areas of responsibility for education, looked after children, adoption and fostering.