Trust nursing staff win Rising Star awards

Three members of the nursing team at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust have been named among the winners of the Rising Star Awards 2024. Congratulations to Lauraun Green, gynae oncology clinical nurse specialist, Kapsa Fohtung, nursing associate, and Fran-Marie Macainan, practice education facilitator for international nurses!

The annual awards, run by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) London as part of their Black History Month celebrations, recognise nurses, midwives, nursing support workers and nursing/midwifery students from London’s Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic nursing community who have made an outstanding contribution to the capital’s health and care system. 

Dame Janice Sigsworth, Chief Nursing Officer at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “It’s wonderful to see Lauraun, Kapsa and Fran’s achievements being celebrated with these prestigious awards. Many congratulations to each of you.

“I’m incredibly proud of my colleagues and so pleased to see our Trust values coming through so strongly in these nominations, particularly the importance of kindness, expertise and aspiration.

“The Rising Star Awards also mark the start of Black History Month, which we’ll also be celebrating at the Trust with various staff activities and events throughout October. I’d strongly encourage all my colleagues to get involved.”

Lauraun is a gynae-oncology clinical nurse specialist at Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea Hospital. She was nominated for leading her team with kindness and care during a very difficult period during the Covid-19 pandemic, and for pioneering innovations such as a sleep pod and a dedicated research/evidence-based practice area.  

The staff member who nominated Lauraun said, “Lauraun is someone who has an innate emotional intelligence and is a natural leader leading with kindness and compassion. To me, she is very much a Rising Star.” 

Lauraun said: “Being recognised as a Rising Star is an honour and a reminder that our collective efforts in nursing can truly make a difference. It inspires me to continue to strive for excellence, empower others and make a meaningful impact to our patients."   

Kapsa Fohtung is a nursing associate on Winnicott Baby Unit at St Mary’s Hospital, where she cares for our most premature babies and supports their families and staff with kindness and compassion. Kapsa is currently undertaking a nursing degree apprenticeship to become a registered paediatric nurse. Kapsa also fundraises for Cosmic Charity, ensuring they can continue supporting our children’s and neonatal intensive care units.    

The staff member who nominated Kapsa said, “Kapsa is always looking out for her colleagues and students and treats them with respect and kindness. She is softly spoken which helps to reassure distressed parents, whilst also supporting parents to be equal partners in the care of their child. She is a good mentor and is now qualified as a clinical assessor, helping to guide and support more students in their learning.” 

Kapsa said: “Every day I get the opportunity to turn what may be a frightening or difficult time for patients and their families into a positive experience. Each family has a different neonatal intensive care journey and even as neonates, each baby has their own personality. I truly love my job and feel so blessed to be part of the amazing Winnicott Baby Unit team!”

Fran-Marie Macainan is a practice education facilitator at Charing Cross Hospital. In the past year, she has led the design and delivery of a bespoke preceptorship for the Trust’s internationally educated nurses, which addresses their unique needs and provides targeted support to help them adapt to the UK healthcare system.

Fran also pioneered a number of wider schemes to help internationally educated nurses, including targeted sessions on understanding communication norms in the UK, dedicated development and career progression support, and an accelerated programme for those with significant previous nursing experience.

The staff member who nominated Fran said: “Fran’s contributions to our nursing community exemplify the spirit of the Rising Star Award. She has empowered internationally educated nurses, championed anti-racist practices, and brought about significant improvements in workplace culture and patient care. Her resilience and unwavering commitment, even in the face of personal challenges, are truly inspiring. I wholeheartedly recommend Fran for this prestigious recognition.”

Fran said: “To be able to support international nurses like myself has been my goal since my first day at the Trust. So, to be able to do this and be given the opportunity to be part of an internationally educated nurse's journey and mentor them in various ways is one of the greatest privileges in my nursing career so far. I am grateful for the unwavering support that I’ve received from everyone I've worked with.”