Sleep services
- Outpatients appointments
- 020 3313 5000
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Our sleep service provides a comprehensive assessment of patients with a range of sleep disorders that are causing problems with excessive daytime sleepiness.
We have two specialist sleep consultants, a specialist registrar and a clinical scientist, who can hold consultations with new patients at Charing Cross Hospital. Following the initial consultation the patient may receive advice on their condition and be advised whether they require a specialist diagnostic sleep study. Once the study is completed they will be informed as to whether they require treatment.
We have recently moved in to our purpose-built sleep centre. Patients who require certain sleep studies will stay overnight as in-patients. Other studies will be done at home. If patients are recommended to start CPAP they will be seen in the sleep centre for this.
CPAP follow-up clinics are currently carried out virtually via video link or over the telephone.
Conditions and treatments
Common disorders of sleep that we diagnose and treat include:
- obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome
- nocturnal hypoventilation
- restless legs syndrome
- periodic limb movement disorder
- circadian rhythm disorders
- narcolepsy
- rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behaviour disorder
- parasomnias
A variety of treatments are available depending on the nature and severity of the sleep disorder diagnosed. In some cases, particularly if the sleep disorder is mild, changes in lifestyle may be all that is required to improve the problem. We may advise treatments such as weight loss, changing the environment you sleep in ('sleep hygiene') or changing the position in which you sleep.
In the case of moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnoea hyopnoea syndrome, CPAP may be recommended. Patients are seen in the sleep centre at Charing Cross Hospital where they are fitted with a suitable mask. Long term follow-up is carried out virtually via a video link.
If narcolepsy or narcolepsy with cataplexy are diagnosed, the use of specialist medications in combination with lifestyle changes may be required. Other conditions that require medication include Periodic Limb Movement Disorder and REM Behaviour Disorder.
Diagnostic sleep studies offered by our service
- respiratory polygraphy
- transcutaneous CO2 monitoring
- polysomnography
- multiple sleep latency test
- actigraphy
Additional information
At the present time we are not funded for an insomnia service.
If you have a query about the sleep centre at Charing Cross Hospital you can contact us by phoning 020 3311 7188.