Lung cancer
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Our rapid-access service aims to provide timely assessment of all patients with suspected lung cancer.
We have access to urgent investigations such as detailed scans of the chest, and camera and biopsy tests to establish a prompt diagnosis.
Our clinics benefit from the expertise of a wide multidisciplinary team who carefully review and explain your treatment options if a cancer is diagnosed. We have access to all up-to-date treatment modalities including surgery, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and radiotherapy. We ensure that we work with our patients so that each patient has their own individual treatment plan which is most appropriate for them and in line with their wishes.
Having a suspected cancer and going through all the necessary tests and appointments can be stressful. Our lung cancer clinical nurse specialists support our patients through the process and ensure that they have access to advice and support when needed.
West London cancer services have some of the highest one and five year lung cancer survival rates in the UK.
Charing Cross and St Mary’s hospitals are a specialist referral centre for several highly specialised diagnostic tests, including endobronchial ultrasound – a relatively new technique that allows doctors to view regions of your lungs and surrounding chest area that have traditionally required more invasive surgical procedures to evaluate.
Our lung cancer service also runs our pulmonary nodule service. This service reviewes and manages incidental pulmonary nodules. We benefit from specialist radiology input and work as a multidisciplinary team to review these cases and plan appropriate management and follow up. More information about pulmonary nodules can be found in our patient information leaflet.
Additional information
Clinical trials and research
Clinical trial support is provided by a West London Cancer Research Network trial coordinator. Patients who may be eligible to join a trial are screened and identified by the multidisciplinary team. If the team agrees that it is appropriate, they will offer the patient the chance to participate in the trial. The trial coordinator sees the patient with the oncologist in the next outpatient appointment. The trial is discussed in detail and an information sheet given to the patient along with the trail coordinators contact details. All trials are voluntary.
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