Find out what to expect when you come to hospital for your appointment.

Before your appointment

You will receive an outpatient follow-up appointment four to six weeks after referral. If you cannot remember your symptoms it would be helpful if you could bring a family member or someone who witnessed your attack with you to the appointment. Please remember to bring a list of all your medications with you to your appointment. 

During your appointment

You will be greeted by the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) who will show you into the clinic room and take a blood pressure reading, measure your pulse and take your temperature. Once all your details have been checked, the doctor will perform a clinical examination and ask you about your symptoms.

After your initial examination, the team will decide which tests are most appropriate. You are likely to receive blood tests, ECG, a CT brain scan and carotid Doppler studies (a neck ultrasound). These tests will all be performed on the day of your appointment. Following your tests, you will return to the ward and see the doctor and clinical nurse specialist again, who will review all your results and give specialist advice and medication as required. Further tests may be required and you will be informed of these before you leave the clinic. You will then be discharged and a follow-up appointment will be sent in the post.

After your appointment

Along with recommending some lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of a future stroke, we will probably prescribe you medications to reduce the risk of further blood clots, to control high blood pressure, or control high cholesterol. You must tell your GP if you experience any problems while taking these drugs.

If the carotid Doppler study found that your stroke was caused by a severe blockage of the carotid arteries on either side of your neck, then you may be referred for surgery. An operation known as a carotid endarterectomy is done to unblock the narrowed carotid artery and reduce the risk of further stroke by improving the blood supply to the brain. The operation can be done under local or general anaesthetic. The length of hospital stay after surgery varies and will depend on your recovery and wellbeing. Your doctor will discuss this with you individually.

Stroke support group

Every month, we hold a stroke support group to encourage stroke survivors, their carers and family members to confidently enjoy life after stroke through provision of information, education, advice and support. Attendance is free and everyone is welcome. 

To register to attend this group, please contact our clinical nurse specialists in stroke. 

Phone: 020 3311 5445
