Heart health check pop-up coming to Portobello Road Market

Members of our cardiac team and other local NHS teams will be joining forces with a national charity to offer free heart health checks to the public at Portobello Road Market on Wednesday 29 May, between 10am and 2pm. The Pumping Marvellous Foundation are expecting hundreds of people living and working in the area to attend their latest Healthy Heart Event, the first in London.

Heart failure is a condition that affects a million people across the UK, with 200,000 people newly diagnosed each year. Heart failure means that the heart is unable to pump blood around the body properly and that it needs some support to help it work better. Finding people with undetected heart failure earlier is better, because they can start treatment sooner and help them live longer, fuller lives with the condition.

Pumping Marvellous Foundation are the UK's heart failure charity, offering support to help people live well with the condition. At the Heart Health Event, the charity will be promoting their nationwide campaign using the BEAT acronym to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms to look out for to help with early diagnosis of Heart Failure.

Ankle Swelling
Time to Test

The Pumping Marvellous Foundation will be supported by staff from NHS teams working in north west London, including Imperial College Healthcare. They will offer heart health checks at the event, including blood pressure, pulse checks, and a simple finger prick blood test for those symptomatic of heart failure.  

Nick Hartshorne-Evans, founder and CEO of The Pumping Marvellous Foundation said: “We are pleased to bring the BEAT Heart Failure campaign to London to raise awareness of the condition and how to live well with it. The Heart Health Check can offer a lot of reassurance to people. Even if you have never had any symptoms, or any of the risk factors, come along and get checked for peace of mind.”

Carys Barton, heart failure nurse consultant, and Dr Dominique Auger, consultant cardiologist, at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, said: “We’re delighted to support this important event. We hope as many local people as possible will visit us, either for a free heart check or just to find out more about heart disease.

“Around 170,000 people in North West London have heart and circulatory diseases and prevention is a key priority in London. However, many adults living with risk factors remain undiagnosed. Without detection and medicine management, these conditions can increase the risk of having a stroke, heart attack or heart failure.

“Early detection and treatment can help people with risk factors live well for a long time, which is why we are working with organisations like Pumping Marvellous Foundation to raise awareness and ultimately improve the health of our local population. Come and meet the dynamic team of experts in a fun and relaxing atmosphere!”

To find out more about The Pumping Marvellous Foundation please click here.