Our maternity and obstetrics service team includes obstetricians, gynaecologists and midwives.

Parents using our services often have questions about what to expect from the team that’s going to care for them throughout pregnancy and during their delivery. Our expert maternity team at St Mary’s Hospital and Queen Charlotte’s & Chelsea Hospital includes input from a large body of professionals such as midwives, doctors, maternity support workers, physiotherapists and other health professionals.

We have listed a few key members of staff that you may meet during your pregnancy journey below. To see more from our maternity teams follow us on Instagram.

Leadership team

Jacqueline Gabrielking – Head of maternity services at Queen Charlottes and Chelsea Hospital

Muna Noori - Clinical director, maternity; consultant obstetrician and gynecologist  

Susan Barry - associate director, maternity

Kay St Louis - General manager, directorate of maternity