In this section:

Waiting times at your appointment

Please set aside at least two hours for your first appointment, this includes, all onsite clinic, telephone and video appointments. 

If you have a clinic appointment, you may need to allow time for any tests or scans that you need. 

If you're offered diagnostic tests at your first appointment, we may be able to discuss your test results and potential treatment plan with you during the same visit. These appointments can take at least half a day.

We will try to ensure you are seen on time, but our clinics are very busy and sometimes delays are unavoidable. The patient before you may take longer than expected, or the doctor may be away on an emergency. If you are in a clinic room at hospital, the waiting room may feel empty, but this may be because clinicians are running telephone appointments during the same session.

Our staff will keep you regularly informed of any delays.

View our Online video consultation how to guide.

Who you will see 

At your appointment, you will be seen by your consultant, another doctor or a nurse. All our staff will be wearing their name badges and will introduce themselves to you.

If you feel strongly about seeing a female or male doctor, please let a member of staff know. We will try and accommodate preferences, but this may not always be possible.

Some of our hospitals are teaching hospitals. This means that doctors may be teaching medical students during their clinics. If you would prefer not to have medical students in your consultation, please inform a member of staff.

Your clinician will request a chaperone for any intimate examinations you may have.


Your information will be kept confidential. 

We do provide details of your clinical care to your GP and where appropriate, other health and social care professionals who are supporting your care directly. This is to ensure your continued healthcare is safe and effective. 

Sometimes we may use your information to help improve our services or to inform our research. In these instances, we will remove any details which would make it possible to identify you. Read more about research here

Click here to find out more about your health records and how we protect your information.


Smoking or using e-cigarettes is not allowed inside our hospital grounds.

Consenting to treatment  

We will ask you to sign a consent form before conducting any treatment. We will provide you with information in the consent form and offer you a copy, and we will discuss the choices of treatment with you. If you change your mind at any stage, you are entitled to withdraw consent, even after signing. Read more about consenting to treatment.


We have upgraded our NHS Wi-Fi service to allow for video calls and entertainment streaming services free of charge. This has been funded by Imperial Health Charity. To connect to the network, search for ‘NHS Wi-Fi’ on your mobile phone or laptop device and sign up.

Further quick links