Patients on the ICU are cared for by a large multidisciplinary team:

How to Contact us:

The ICU can be contacted via the following details:

Critical care unit
Ninth floor
Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother (QEQM) building

Telephone Numbers:

You can reach the reception on 

  • 020 3312 6058 or
  • 020 3312 6040 

Someone should be able to put you through to the nurse looking after your loved one. 

Also, you may be given numbers directly to the bed space to call and ask for an update.

Direct referrals to our intensive care units can be made to the on-call consultant via the hospital switchboard using the numbers below.

For clinical advice, call the department via the unit secretary or the on-call consultant at the hospital.

Visiting times

As we continue to move out of the Covid-19 pandemic, we have removed many of our remaining Covid-19 measures in line with national NHS guidance. Please check our latest measures before coming to hospital.

Communication with the ICU medical team

Keeping relatives up to date with events is very important to us, and we aim to call the nominated next of kin for an update once during the day.

Support for family members:

We understand that having a loved one in ICU may be an extremely stressful time for you.

Our chaplaincy team offers confidential religious, spiritual, and pastoral care to all patients, visitors.

Feedback to ICU

We strive our very best to give our patients and their families the best possible experience and so would like to hear from you of any feedback you have for us: good or bad. This will help us keep up our good practices and improve areas we are lacking at.

You can do the same by contacting our Patient advice and liaison service (PALS).

Meet the team


The ICU has a team of consultants (intensivists) who lead on the patient care and review our patients daily.

Dr Carlos Gomez Hernandez (clinical lead)
Dr Ahmed El Haddad (clinical lead)
Dr Vanesa Garnelo Rey
Dr Martin Stotz
Dr Stephanie Cattlin
Dr Chris Lambert
Dr Mireia Cuartero Sala
Dr Thomas Smith
Dr Maribel Manikon
Dr Pilar Vazques Paredes
Dr Vagish Kumar
Dr Christopher Smart
Dr Valentina Della Torre
Dr Rajiv Shah
Dr Richard Leonard
Dr David Rouse
Dr Tanjinder Sanghera

The Consultants are supported by a team of junior doctors including registrars and senior house officers.

Clinical director

Dr Simon Ashworth

Head of specialty

David O’Callaghan

General manager

Nick Spencer Jones (Interim)

Deputy general manager

Nick Spencer Jones

Directorate lead nurse

Melanie Denison

Deputy lead nurse

Claire Gorham

Lead nurse for outreach and resuscitation

Debbie Van Der Velden

Unit lead nurse

Natasha Manning
Sarah Robinson

ICU nurses

Each patient on ICU is looked after by ICU nurses who are highly skilled in caring for very unwell patients and ensure that patients receive the complex treatments provided on ICU.

Other members of multidisciplinary team

Speech and Language Therapist
Care assistants


Education and elective placements

The intensive care department utilises a multidisciplinary team approach to support staff in their development. All nursing staff will be supported by our team of clinical educators, who will work with them when they are new in post. Our clinical education team will help them identify a development programme specifically tailored to meet their needs. If new to intensive care, staff will be able to undertake our Foundation to Critical Care Programme (an eight-week course with full study leave), to introduce the basics of critical care in a group learning environment. A variety of other training approaches are utilised as they advance in their career including 1:1 coaching, career planning and neuro and critical care courses, all of which are supported with study leave. We also offer excellent training facilities within the Trust, with an on-site seminar room, regular in-house training programme, an education centre and leadership development centre.

Further online resources