Information on self-referrals healthcare professional referrals to our sexual health and HIV services and walk-in clinics

HIV GP referral
Please contact clinic directly to refer a patient to our HIV services.
Direct access to a specialist HIV nurse:
- call 020 3312 6733 or 020 3312 6666 and ask for bleep 1640
Access to a registrar or consultant:
- 09.00 to 17.00, Monday through Friday: call 020 3312 6626 (option 4)
- out of hours, call 020 3312 6666 and ask for the HIV registrar or consultant on call
Secondary care
Please contact the on-call HIV registrar if an urgent review of an HIV-positive patient is needed:
- 09.00 to 17.00, Monday through Friday: call 020 3312 6626 (option 4)
- out of hours, call 020 3312 6666 and ask for the HIV registrar or consultant on call.

HIV self-referral
Patients can call us directly to access our HIV services by:
- calling the Wharfside Clinic on 020 3312 6626 (option 4) and asking to register
- contacting one of our specialist HIV nurses by calling 020 3312 6666, then asking for 'bleep 1640'

900 clinic GP and secondary care referrals
Dr Caroline Foster, consultant adolescent infectious diseases
Phone: 079 4900 9448
Dr Sarah Fidler
Tel: 079 1220 5671
Sara Ayers, clinical nurse practitioner
Phone: 020 3312 6733
GP advice:
GPs and referrers are welcome to contact Dr Caroline Foster for advice about referrals.
Phone: 020 3312 6349 or 079 4900 9448

Sexual function GP referrals
GPs must refer patients via the Rego e-Referrals service.

HTLV GP referrals
Clinical information
Contact the HTLV office on 020 3312 1521.