Find out more about our team of clinicians offer high-quality, confidential sexual health services

Dr Olamide Dosekun
Dr. Olamide (Lamsi) Dosekun - She/her

Consultant HIV/sexual health physician

I've been a Sexual Health and HIV consultant at Jefferiss since 2012. I am the Lead Consultant for the LGBTQ+ PROUD@JW and PrEP services.

Dr Linda Greene
Dr Linda Greene - She/her

Consultant HIV/sexual health physician

I’ve been working in sexual health and HIV since 1994, was a junior doctor at Jefferiss and returned as a consultant in 2000. I work across sexual health and HIV. For more than 22 years I’ve been heavily involved in leading and developing the services in response to the needs of our service users and developing our multidisciplinary team. I love the Jefferiss and my passion has always been ensuring we offer same day access for as many people as possible. It’s a privilege to help someone at a time of need in the sexual health clinic and at the same time to care for and have the trust of people living with HIV for more than two decades.

Dr Dawn Wilkinson
Dr Dawn Wilkinson - She/her 

Consultant sexual health and HIV

I have been working at Jefferiss since 2003. I am also contraception and adolescent sexual health service lead and Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) Registered Trainer. I am co-chair of NWL SRH and HIV CRG. I am passionate about improving health inequality.

Dr Linda Greene
Dr Lucy Garvey -  She/her 

Consultant HIV/sexual health physician

I have been working as a consultant at the Jefferiss since 2011 and am currently head of specialty for HIV Services and a member of HIV inpatient team (based at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital). My special interests include the management of viral hepatitis and fatty liver disease; we hold a weekly clinic to investigate liver problems in our patients living with HIV. In recent years we have been working hard to treat all our patients with hepatitis C aiming to eliminate this virus and reduce liver-related complications.

Dr Alison Mears
Dr Ali Mears - She/her 

Consultant HIV/sexual health physician

I have been working as a consultant in sexual health at Jefferiss since 2007. I have a particular interest in sexual function and I am the lead clinician in the Jane Wadsworth clinic. This is a multidisciplinary, dedicated service for all genders with sexual difficulties. Anyone can be referred to us via their GP.

I have a particular interest in domestic abuse and sexual violence and lead on these issues in our department. I am also a transformative mediator and work as part of the Trust mediation team, helping Trust staff members, when they come into conflict with each other.

Dr Matthew Grundy Bowers, Consultant Nurse / Visiting Professor of HIV and Integrated Sexual health
Dr Matthew Grundy-Bowers - He/him

Consultant nurse & visiting professor of HIV/Integrated sexual health

I started working in HIV/sexual health in 1994. I become one of the first nurse practitioners in 1997 and a consultant nurse in 2005. I continue to work clinically across HIV/integrated sexual health. I am the Trust lead for advancing practice/non-medical prescribing and have a national profile in the HIV/sexual health and advanced practice. I completed my PhD in 2014 as an NHIR Clinical Fellow and continue to participate in national and international research support novice researchers. I am an STI journal editorial board member. In 2020, I was awarded the prestigious RCN Fellowship recognising my contribution to HIV/sexual health, advanced practice, and interdisciplinary education.

Katie Saunders
Katie Saunders - She/her 

Advanced nurse practitioner

I have been working at Jefferiss since 2019. I am part of the advanced nurse practitioners' team while studying for my master's in advanced clinical practice. My clinical role is varied, offering a range of clinical care such as contraception services, including coil and implant fittings, all of which I am passionate about. I am involved in managerial aspects of the nursing team and was previously the student coordinator. I enjoy teaching, supervising, and supporting students/clinicians during their training here at Jefferiss. Previously, I worked in A&E so I'm used to the fast-paced, dynamic environment within sexual health, which is something I love about my role.

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Nebil Saad - He/him

Advanced nurse practitioner

I have been working at Jefferiss since 2008. I started as a healthcare assistant and worked my way up to my current role as an advanced nurse practitioner. My main focus at the Jefferiss is to provide patients with STI related information, testing and health promotion. I am also the lead nurse for sexual function clinic within the Jane Wadsworth service. My passion within my nursing role has always been effective communication and active listening.

Dr Thomas Pasvol
Dr Thomas Pasvol - he/him 


I’m one of the newer consultants at Jefferiss and have been working here since January 2023. I am passionate about women’s health and have specialist interests in contraception, population health and young people living with HIV. My PhD involved using large scale primary care data to describe trends in contraceptive use and my primary role at Jefferiss involves expanding and delivering our complex contraceptive services.

Dr Nicky Mackie
Dr Nicky Mackie - She/her


I trained within Jefferiss and St Mary’s Hospital as a junior doctor and then was appointed as a substantive consultant in 2005.

I was the lead for HIV services within Imperial for 10 years, until the end of January 2022, and was involved in developing and managing high-quality patient-centred services. I am vice-chair of the British HIV Association and the chair of the Conferences Committee, a member of the national HIV Clinical Reference Group and co-chair of the NHSE London HIV Clinical Forum. I also have a keen interest in teaching and education and am the deputy convenor of the dipHIV examination and on the educational faculty for the European AIDS Clinical Society, involved in running the popular HIV Summer School.

Dr Thomas Pasvol
Dr Fareed Shiva - He/him


I have been a consultant in sexual health and HIV at Jefferiss since 2020 and have worked here as a specialist trainee since 2016. 

I see varied sexual health related problems day to day, provide contraception including Intra Uterine Techniques (IUTs) and look after people living with HIV. 

My specialist interest is syphilis and I lead the syphilis team in our department. I am  part of the Jane Wadsworth sexual function team.

Hollie Mortimer
Hollie Mortimer – She/her

Lead advanced clinical practitioner - Integrated sexual health

I have been working at St Mary’s Hospital since 2019 at both the Jefferiss and The National Centre for Human Retrovirology. My role entails clinical care, providing sexual health care and contraception including coil and implant fitting, as well as management of our nursing team and service development. What I love about my role is being able to empower service users to have safe, healthy sex lives and helping to reduce the stigma and negativity around sexual health.

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Dr Borja Mora-Peris - He/him

Consultant sexual health and HIV

I have been a Consultant in HIV & Sexual Health since 2020 after completing my training at the Jefferiss Wing. I finished my internal medicine training in 2010 at Hospital Clinic in Barcelona. Following this, I completed a Masters in Tropical Medicine at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a PhD exploring antiretroviral activity within the CNS. I continue being involved in research studies regarding treatment of gonorrhoea, antiretroviral therapy and HIV cure. I have a specialist interest in HIV/TB coinfection and run the undergraduate placement in HIV medicine and sexual health. I am also a member of HIV inpatient team (based at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital) and in-reach inpatient lead at our trust. I am passionate about person-centred care and integration of services.