Children's audiology patient information
Find out what to expect when you come to hospital for your child's audiology appointment.
Before your appointment
A parent or guardian should attend the appointment with the patient as patients who are under 16 years cannot consent to procedures.
If your baby is under the age of three months, it is likely they will need to be asleep for the appointment. There will be more information about this in your appointment letter.
Let us know if you need an interpreter and remember if this is the first appointment we will need your child’s 'red book' at the appointment.
Please try not to bring other small children with you as this may make hearing tests difficult, however we understand this isn't always possible.
It often helps to think of a list of questions you’d like to ask the doctor or audiologist about your child’s condition and to bring this list to the appointment. Patients with hearing aids should always wear these to their appointment. Let us know if you need an interpreter and remember to bring your child’s 'red book' with you.
Please remember to check your appointment letter for anything specific you have been asked to take with you. In addition, it would be helpful if you could bring the following:
- your full address and telephone number(s)
- your appointment card and appointment letter
- your GPs name and address
- a list of questions you may want to ask
Our team are happy to answer any questions you may have, so please call the paediatric audiology department at the hospital where your appointment will be held and ask for more details (contact details can be found in our clinic information).
During your appointment
On arrival please ensure you check in with our reception team to ensure the audiologist or doctor is aware you have arrived. Please note there are also self-check in kiosks at our St Mary’s Hospital site.
If there have been any changes to your personal information, for example if you have moved house, please ensure you have informed our reception staff so your details can be updated. You can also inform the audiologist or doctor during your appointment.
We do strive to see our patients at their appointment times however at busy times the wait may be up to an hour. We suggest you allow up to 90 minutes for your appointment. Your child is welcome to use our play areas while waiting for your appointment, but you must supervise your child at all times. Please visit our paediatrics page for more information.
Please note that we are a teaching hospital, so medical students may be present for some appointments. If you do not wish to have them in the room please let the audiologist or doctor know and the students will be asked to step outside.
During your assessment appointments we will check your child's hearing if we haven’t already done so. Based on their age we will play different games and engage with them to acclimatise them to the test environment.
After your appointment
We will send a written report to you and your GP, as well as any other health professionals who may have referred you. We will also arrange any follow-up appointments that may be necessary.
Patient information leaflets
- Ear wax treatment
- Getting your child to wear their hearing aids
- Glue ear
- Hearing aid fitting appointment
- Hearing assessment under sedation
- Hearing screening and congenital cytomegalovirus CMV
- Listening exercises
- Social story complex clinic
- Transitioning to adult audiology services
- Welcome to the children's audiology department
- Welcome to the children’s audiology department
- Your baby's hearing assessment
- Your child's hearing assessment appointment
About this page
- Last updated