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UK and US neurosurgeons in mixed reality first
Imperial College Healthcare came together with Penn State Health and Penn State College of Medicine last week for what is believed to be the first-ever publicly documented…
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Life sciences recognised as key sector in London Growth Plan
London’s life sciences at the forefront of the plan for London’s economic growth.
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First MRIs conducted remotely at the Trust as part of extended opening pilot
The team at Wembley Community Diagnostic Centre have recently launched a pilot to extend MRI scanning hours and incorporate the latest scanning technology.
Annual Report 2023/24
Our annual report sets out our performance and achievements, accounts (what we spent and how we spent it), governance arrangements and plans for the future.
Our events
Board in common public meeting - Tuesday 29 April 2025
09:30 - 12:30
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Board in common public meeting Tuesday 15 July 2025
09:30 - 12:30
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Board in common public meeting Tuesday 21 October 2025
09:30 - 12:30
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Board in common public meeting Tuesday 20 January 2025
09:30 - 12:30
Our blog See all blogs
How we are doing

As a Trust we are monitored against national standards and targets known as performance indicators. They provide an overview of how successful we are as an organisation at delivering healthcare. They help us monitor waiting times, safety and patient experience.
Our hospitals are also regularly inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) who award ratings against five quality domains: safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led. On On 7 January 2015 the Trust was given the overall CQC rating:
Our most recent inspection report dated 23 July 2019 has seen improved quality of care across a range of services that were inspected back in February 2019, including London’s first outstanding rating for maternity care at both Queen Charlotte’s and Chelsea And St Mary's hospitals.
Supporting our charity
Imperial Health Charity is the Trust’s dedicated charity. It helps our hospitals do more through grants, arts, volunteering and fundraising.
The charity funds major redevelopments, research and medical equipment, as well as helping patients and their families at times of extreme financial difficulty.
You can support the charity’s work by making a donation, taking part in a fundraising event or volunteering in our hospitals.