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At Imperial College Healthcare Private Care we have the ability to treat all acute and chronic orthopaedic conditions, from planned elective surgery to emergency trauma.

St Mary’s Hospital is one of four major trauma centres in London and our orthopaedic service is specifically designed to support patients with injuries as a result of accident, sporting injury or violence.

We are able to offer both minimally invasive and state-of-the-art robotic surgery to ensure your condition can be treated as quickly as possible, with the minimum recovery time. Our hospitals are leading centres in the development and use of technology to improve outcomes in hip and knee replacement surgery and in particular, joint preservation surgery. 

Our expert team of orthopaedic surgeons and consultants are recognised both nationally and internationally for their skill, and patients choose to use our services from across the UK as well as from overseas. Our team has the experience to deal with everything from common concerns such as hip replacement or knee replacement through to complex limb reconstruction. 

We also work closely with a multidisciplinary team of healthcare experts with a wide variety of specialist skills including neurosciences, paediatrics, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, amputee prosthetic limb management, hand therapy and acute respiratory management, ensuring you have the best experts on hand to support your care. 


We can also provide an extensive pain management service to support patients with chronic pain. 

Treating the spectrum of orthopaedic conditions 

Our specialists are able to treat all acute and elective orthopaedic conditions affecting various areas including:

  • knees
  • pelvis and hips
  • spine
  • foot and ankle
  • hand and wrist
  • shoulder and elbow